
County tipperary n & b association
County tipperary n & b association

Irish Ancestors' extensive County Tipperary website.


The Irish Ancestors website (subscription) has the following types of records: State Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Census returns, Land records, Church records, Genealogical Office records, Gravestone inscriptions, Directories, Newspapers, Wills, Deeds, and Occupations. The Ireland Genealogy Project's County Tipperary page, and its listing of the Project's available Tipperary Records. comprising an area, according to the Ordnance survey, of 1,013,173 statute acres, of which 819,69S consist of cultivated land, 182,147 of bog, mountain, and unimproved waste, and 11,328 are covered with water. "TIPPERARY, a county, of the province of MUNSTER, bounded on the east by the King's and Queen's counties, and that of Kilkenny on the south, by that of Waterford on the west, by those of Cork, Limerick, and Clare, from which latter it is separated by the Shannon and Lough Derg and on the north, by that of Galway and King's county. The number of persons from this county who emigrated from Irish ports between May, 1851, and December, 1865, with the expressed intention of not returning, was 110,248, or 33 per cent. The poor-law valuation in 1851 was £618,148, and the general valuation in 1861 was £670,525. The area is 1,659 square miles, or 1,061,731 acres, of which 843,887 are arable, 178,183 uncultivated, 23,779 under continuous plantations, 2,359 in towns, and 13,523 under water. by King's County, Queen's County, and Kilkenny, S. "COUNTY TIPPERARY, an inland county in the province of Munster, Ireland, is bounded N. Chief towns, Clonmell, Cashell, Roscrea, Nenegh, Tipperary, and Carrick. The rivers are the Suir, and its tributaries. In this district are lead and copper mines and some parts of it afford fine mill-stones. The high hills adjoining Limerick are called the Keepe mountains, from the highest of them. S of a range of bog, and between the small town of Kinnenaule and the county of Kilkenny, is the coal district. It has also extensive tracks of bog and mountain. It has, however, been always a great grazing county. The lands of Tipperary have always been ranked amongst the most productive in Ireland. "Tipperary, a county of Ireland, province of Munster, bounded N by King's and Queen's counties, E by Queen's county and Kilkenny, S by Waterford and Cork, and W by Limerick, Clare, and Galway length from N to S is 73 1/2 m, breadth 39 1/2.

County tipperary n & b association